UNI 1:1 Tailored Foreign Language Coaching Platform

Authentic Education that Leaves an Impression

UNI Academy, which started in 2008, is a company with a very different foreign language education DNA that focuses on the real substance of teaching and learning.

The strength of UNI, which has received widespread positive recognition, lies in the quality of its education that is based on the highest levels of teaching expertise.

Why UNI Quick Tal-king

UNI Academy’s foreign language learning programs offer a different level of expertise.

  • Assessing why languages are difficult to learn and what your needs are
    With UNI's extensive know-how, we can address the challenges of learning a foreign language and provide you with the direction to master a language based on your current skill level, learning purpose, and interests.
  • We match you with your preferred instructor and class time!
    Classes are specialized and tailored to the learner’s schedule. We also match you with quality instructors who are in the top 1% of their language teaching fields.
  • We offer curriculums expertly tailored to your areas of interest!
    We provide 50-minute one-on-one classes with foreign language instructors using a curriculum tailored to your interests for increased learner motivation.
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